Investors FAQ
How many shares of Vitamin Blue, Inc. are in the public float?
As of January 27, 2015, Vitamin Blue, Inc. had 473,330,000 shares in the public float.
What is the percentage of insider held shares?
As of January 27, 2015, Vitamin Blue, Inc. insiders held 63% of the outstanding shares.
What is the legal status of the company and fiscal year end?
Vitamin Blue, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware on May 25, 1999 and commenced business shortly thereafter in June 1999. Vitamin Blue, Inc. has a fiscal year of December 31st and is a fully-reporting public company.
When and how are the news releases issued by the company?
News is generally released by the company through newswire services such as BusinessWire and MarketWire. In the interest of fair disclosure to the general public, we refrain from answering questions from individual investors regarding the company’s development progress.
When and how are the news releases issued by the company?
News is generally released by the company through newswire services such as BusinessWire and MarketWire. In the interest of fair disclosure to the general public, we refrain from answering questions from individual investors regarding the company’s development progress.
Where is Vitamin Blue, Inc.’s headquarters located?
Vitamin Blue, Inc.
1005 W. 18th Street
Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627
1005 W. 18th Street
Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627
How can I buy Vitamin Blue, Inc.’s stock?
You may buy shares of Vitamin Blue, Inc. stock utilizing the services of registered, securities broker/dealers, electronic communication networks (ECN) or other alternative trading systems (ATS) regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Vitamin Blue, Inc. does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Vitamin Blue, Inc. does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Who are Vitamin Blue, Inc.’s transfer agent?
Island Stock Transfer
15500 Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 301
Clearwater, FL 33760
15500 Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 301
Clearwater, FL 33760
Who are Vitamin Blue, Inc.’s independent auditors?
HJ & Associates, L.L.C.
50 West Broadway, Suite 600
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
50 West Broadway, Suite 600
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Who are Vitamin Blue, Inc.’s outside legal councel?
Leonard E. Neilson
Attorney at Law
8160 South Highland Drive, Suite 104
Sandy, UT 84093
Attorney at Law
8160 South Highland Drive, Suite 104
Sandy, UT 84093